Thursday, March 25, 2010

Primitive/Colonial chair

Hello all prim friends...I hope all is well with everyone....I was looking thru the new edition of Country Sampler last evening ...for anyone that doesn't know...Jen from home is in this issue... Congratulations Jen your home is gorgeous...anyway what I was saying Irvin's Catalog layout caught my eye with the Colonial rocker ....I have two pieces of furniture that belonged to my grandparents that was passed down to me and the more I looked at the print of the Colonial rocker from Irvin's I thought the print of my grandparents furniture looked similar to it...I ran down stairs to my Familyroom to look at the chair...where I have it proudly seating...and it does resemble alittle bit of the material on the Colonial Rocker...The rocker is stored away in our garage so now I am going to have to dig it just never know what you really have in your garage until a light bulb goes off in your head when you see something similar displayed somewhere...
This is the layout of Irvin's Catalog that is in Country Sampler with the Colonial Rocker...

This is my chair that belonged to my grandparents..
I add my blue Colonial throw on this pic...
I added my cream throw to this pic...

When I brought the two pieces of furniture home I cleaned them really well with my Bissel steam cleaner  ...My daughter has been wanting this chair for along time but I am holding off until she has her own home then I think it will be proudly passed down to her for in her home..
This afternoon I think I am going to be out in the garage looking for my rocker so maybe tomorrow I will post a pic of it...
Everyone have a great day....thanks for stopping by...
Prim hugs to all,


  1. Trena your chairs are wonderful. I like the cream throw on the chair best. I love everything in Irvins. They have so many beautiful things and if I were rich, there are tons of things from there that I would order! Can't wait to see your rocker. I wish I had some pieces in my home from my grandparents. You are very lucky.

  2. That's a keeper! would look sweet in most any living room! ★Linda

  3. The chair is great and I like the cream throw best too. It's wonderful that you have such a nice family heirloom. TFS.
