Sunday, March 28, 2010


Goodmorning all prim friends...I hope all is well with everyone...its a dreary Sunday here in Central Pa...Before I get into showing you all my gameboards that I am making I wanted to take the time to thank all of you that joined my blog over this past year and left me such nice comments..Today is my first year blog anniversary...I can't believe its been a year already..Where has the time gone....For all of you that take the time out of your busy schedules to stop in and leave me such wonderful comments...I thank you from the bottom of my heart...Your such wonderful ladies and I am so very happy to get to know each and everyone of you...Amy...from has won my very first giveaway and Amy that will be in the mail tomorrow so you can expect it in time for Easter..
With all that said here are some pics of the gameboards that I got painted yesterday...There not cut individually yet...its easier to paint and stencil all on one board at one time then...cut..paint...stencil...sand then stain....I base coated them black with Montgomery Umber for the top coat...after there cut individually they will then be sanded and stainted...

Thanks for stopping...
Take care and Prim hugs to all,


  1. Yeah Amy! So glad you won! Trena, I love your gameboards!!

  2. looks great trena....i wanna start making gameboards too!! hugs, amy♥

  3. You did a great job on your gameboards Trena. I never thought of doing them in a run like you did. Very cleaver idea girl.
    Enjoy you week to come.
    PS. I will be eagerly watching for the postman!
