Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Olde Farmstead signs....

Hello all prim friends...
It's going to be a gorgeous day here in Central Pa. today...high 50's low 60's...
It's been cold and rainy the past couple of days so today I'm going to be out in the garage making some signs...taking advantage of this nice weather...
With spring finally here I decided to make myself a couple of Olde Farmstead signs for the outside of my home..
I made one barn red over black for outside the french doors for the sunroom...and the second one I made Montgomery umber over black.....its hung in the familyroom for now...I want to get my back porch washed down and cleaned before I hang it outside for summer...

So that will just about be it for today....I have so much I want to get done today since the weather is nice..
I need to get my butt in gear and make more prarie dolls..I got a call this morning for another order of dolls
for a nice lady for in her I wish everyone a nice day....thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to stop by for a visit...
Take care everyone,
Prim hugs,


  1. I love both signs Trena but the second one is my favorite. I really like the color.

  2. Those turned out great ;)
    and....wishin' you a nice day as well!

  3. Those are great Trena, I too like the second the best!!
