Sunday, February 6, 2011

~~Easters on its way at the Olde Homestead~~

Happy Sunday everyone...
I hope all is well and the weather in your neck of the woods is improving...
Were finally thawing out here in Central Pa...
The sun is shinning brightly today...melting all the ice that we accumulated over the past
couple of days...

I've been busy working on pillows for customers and for around the homestead for Easter...
Making bunnies and Easter eggs is on my list of projects to work on next...
There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get as much done as I would like but I guess there's always tomorrow...
A few more Easter pillows finished up..
Two done with beige on cream and one done with beige on black...

Well that will be just about it..
I want to get all my sewing together so I can
set and watch the Superbowl this evening...I get allot of my sewing projects done while I'm setting in front of the TV.
A nice time to just sit and relax for a couple of hours...
So thank you to everyone that stopped in for a visit...
Be safe and take care...
Prim hugs,


  1. I love the bunny pillows, really nice. I know what you mean, it seems like I don't get as much done in a day as I think I should. Takes awile to create bunnies. Vicky

  2. Your bunny pillows are adorable!

  3. Trena, I love the bunny pillows.


  4. Oh, they are soooo cute!

  5. Trena, these are adorable!
    Have a great week!

  6. Very cute bunny pillows Trena! Love the pictures on your sidebar of the beautiful forsythia bushes! Can't wait for them to bloom this year!
    Have a great week.
