Saturday, February 5, 2011

~~Bathroom...Part 2~~

Hello everyone..Happy Saturday to you all.
Its a cold day here today...freezing and more ice..
Our driveway is like a skating rink...I walked down to the end of our driveway to get the newspaper and just about went on my butt acouple of times.....Not good at all to be outside in this mess...
A good day to set by the coal stove and do some more stitching..I think that's just what I am going to do today..

As promised in yesterday's post I said I would post the remaining pictures of my Changing and Rearranging  Bathroom that's in the lower level of our home...
I bought the cupboard at Michael's last fall and painted it black..It's good to store all the necessities need in a bathroom..
Shower curtain and valance in mustard with black stars...
Well that's going it be it for today...I'm going to go grab some of my sewing and sit in my comfy chair and stitch some more Easter pillows for around the homestead..
Thanks for stopping in for a visit...
Thank you to those that has left such wonderful comments...I really appreciate you all taking the time to let me know you stopped in for a visit..
Take care and be safe..
Prim hugs,


  1. Looks great, love the shower curtain.

  2. Pretty, pretty, I really like the coloring!

  3. I really like the shower curtain, everthing looks so nice. Now it makes me want to redo the bathroom. Thanks for sharing the great ideas. Vicky

  4. Hi Trena,
    WOW! Everything looks wonderful.
    I love the way you have the ironing board with a small table in front of it. What a great idea.
    ~That is an ironing board, right??

    Thanks for sharing!!

  5. love your bath. I love the colors. Be careful with all that Ice. Enjoy your weekend

  6. I too love the shower curtain. Where did you get it from? Or did you make it?


  7. Oh my! I want your bathroom. It's beautiful.

  8. It looks lovely! Wonderful colors :) You have inspired me! Have a wonderful weekend and be careful on that ice!
