Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring thyme around our yard....

Hello all prim friends...I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful summer weather we are having these past few days..Its been in the 80's practically all week...I've been getting alot of my yard work done and enjoying all the beautiful sunshine.....I thought I would share some pictures I had taken of our yard with all the bushes and flowers in full bloom...the yard is vibrant with color..

I wish you all a great weekend....Take care and Prim hugs,


  1. Such lovely photos! We are starting to get some green in our yard, but no pretty flowers to look at yet.

  2. Wow how beautiful!!!!
    Aren't Forsythia bushes just beautiful.
    We wanted to put one in at the end of our house but were talked out of it by the Nursery people....I really wanted one but they said they get straggly looking after awhile. I WISH I HADN'T LISTENED TO THEM!!!

