Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kitchen tweaking

Happy Saturday everyone...
Another gorgeous day expected today...alittle on the cool side but still bright sunshine..
I was stuck inside yesterday with the cool temperatures all day so I done some cleaning and tweaking on top of my kitchen cupboards..
Added a few things and took some things down and put away...
I gathered up all of my carpenters totes and filled them with all kitchen gadgets and arranged them along the top of the cupboards...Still have alittle bit to finish up but this is what I got done so far..

Thanks for stopping by for a visit....Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and take care...
Prim hugs to all,


  1. Happy Saturday Trena....what a beautiful post and I must say you have an awesome collection of Carpenters Totes....very nice and I like what you did with them...I think my favorite is the Red Kitchen Wares....LOVE IT!


  2. Great idea with all your totes. I like the one that says Kitchen Wares.


  3. I love your tweaking! I just repainted my kitchen and rearranged the tops of my cupboards also. I wish I had the height above mine that you have above yours! Love all you have done :-)

  4. Beautiful tweaking Trena. I love the way you take pictures too.
