Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Textures in my home

Hello all prim friends...
I hope all is well with everyone and those of you that live in the Eastern part of the country like I do got yourself dug out from all the snow over the weekend...
We had 24 inches of snow that started Friday and didn't stop until Saturday lunch time...
Were expected another 7 - 10 inches starting sometime this afternoon...all night into tomorrow morning...
I don't know about all of you but I am so sick of snow and so ready for spring to come....

I am still working on my make do chair that I got started a few days ago....With being outside plowing and shoveling snow I didn't get it done as soon as I had hoped to..
I worked on it last night for alittle while and got all of the batting on....
Hopefully I can get it finished up this evening with the snow coming we'll be stuck inside once again...
With that said I thought I would show you some of the textures that I have around my home...

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and the nice comments that are left....I'll be posting some more pictures tomorrow of textures thruout my home....so if you get a chance stop on in and say hello...
Prim hugs to all,


  1. Love your textures especially the crock in your 1st photos!

    We are waiting for the storm to sometime this afternoon, kids haven't had school since last Thursday!


  2. I love the texture of the braided rug! So primtastic :)

  3. Nice textures,love the crock and the braided rug colors.
