Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crock Collection

Hello all prim friends..
I hope all is well with everyone this cold February morning...

We are getting hammered again with a blizzard here in Central Pa...up to 8 more inches of snow as I speak....All the schools are closed....highways completely bare...I haven't seen one car all morning...
Hubby and I are just waiting for the snow to stop so we can get outside once again to plow the driveway and shovel the sidewalks.....This is getting old real fast...Spring can't come soon enough for me...

With all that said I showed you some textures thru out my home on yesterdays post so I thought today I would show some pictures of my Crock collection...This isn't all of them..I'll post some today and finish up with them tomorrow...

I hoped you enjoyed looking at part of my crock collection....Thanks for stopping by for a little visit...
Take care and stay warm...
Hugs to all,


  1. Nice collection. Aren't they wonderful??!!

  2. Trena, love your crock collection! I have a love for them too :)
    I am with you about this got old with me on the last one!! Don't know where to go with all of this white

    Take care and stay warm!

  3. I love your crocks! I have wanted to collect but here in Okla they are so pricy.. do you find that where you are? your collection is gorgeous!
