Monday, February 1, 2010


Hello all prim friends..
I hope all is well with everyone this cold blistery Monday...

I've been doing some spring cleaning in my downstairs Family room and thought I would show some pictures to all of you....
This is where the kids spend allot of there time when they come home...

I done some major simplifying and boxed up things that were not my taste or what I wanted in this room any longer...

Thanks for stopping by for a visit...I appreciate all the nice comments...
Wishing everyone a great day...Take care and stay warm...

Prim hugs to all,


  1. Your room looks great Trena. So welcoming and cozy! I love your old sewing machine and the black cupboard. I was messing around in our family room last night and I had that same thought about putting things away that the room didn't need anymore. I think maybe I will act on the thought tonight. Its funny just how much we can sometimes cram into one room.
    Enjoy your week.

  2. I can see why the kids would want to spend time in the family room. It looks very comfy and your corner cabinet is so cute.

    Have a great week!

  3. hi trena!! i love what i see! your home is beautiful!!! keep the pics coming...hugs, amy

  4. Very warm and inviting. I think you did a great job simplifying.

