Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tweaking somemore....

Hello all prim friends...

It's still bitterly cold here in Central Pa...It just takes your breath away when you step outside..

I'm thinking positive..only 48 days until spring...
Since I'm stuck inside I started some spring cleaning in my Family room downstairs...I painted the paneling last year after wanting to change it for years and hubby wasn't keen on that idea....But I finally went ahead and done one small portion of the paneling and showed him how much nicer it looked and he finally agreed ....

I went ahead and bought the paint and painted it within a few days after he agreed how nice it looked...I wasn't taking any chances on him changing his mind...

I done a makeover on the entertainment center by painting it black and set it back into the corner away from the window..It really opened the room up and brought more light into the room...

I also wanted to show you all the orbs that's was around me all day while I was working downstairs...I could feel a presence thru out the day and I knew if I took some pictures they surely would show up and they did...There more visible in the second pic....with the flash off..

Its very comforting knowing we're never alone...

Wishing everyone a great day....Take care and stay warm...

Hugs to all,



  1. Everything looks great! Took me a few seconds to see the orbs, had to enlarge the pic but that one by the shutter almost looks like it has a lil' face:) Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day!!!

  2. Yep I really like the changes... haha I get those opbs in my pics too.


  3. I love what you've done! The paneling looks wonderful - I think the texture of it adds to the country feel! And the black on the entertainment center, coupled with the baskets - I have thought alot of putting baskets in the cubbies on my entertainment center, now I know I must do it! :) Looks beautiful!

  4. Love how good it all looks. the color you picked for the walls just fits in perfect. And love what you did with your entertainment center ! I've thought about doing that to mine...
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
