Monday, January 11, 2010

Wooden potato masher...round cutting board

Hello all prim friends....

I hope all is well with everyone this cold blistery Monday...

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend....DH and I stayed in and got some work done around the house...

As I mentioned in previous post I was cleaning my Kitchen cupboards...throwing things out and organizing....I came across this old wooden potato masher and round cutting board that I had forgotten I had stored away...

As you can see in this picture there is a burn spot on the handle...that came from lying against a hot pot on the cookstove many years ago..These two items belonged to hubbys grandparents and he got them from his mom...

You don't see to many of these round cutting boards anymore....they make everything square..

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to stop by....

Take care and stay warm...

Hugs, Trena


  1. I love the round cutting board, I've noticed in stores lately they are starting to make square weird is that?!!!

  2. I am sure glad I dont have to mash potatoes with that masher!
    How wonderful to have found them! They look fantastic sitting out.
    Take care and keep warm-

  3. What a nice "forgot about it" find !! Wish you could find the round ones easier, but all you ever see are the squars ones. You have a gem there.
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
