Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Salt dough hearts

Hello all prim friends....
I hope all is well with everyone...Still cold here in Central Pa...It's expected to get up in the high 30's today....wow a heat wave...

I've been working on a couple sets of paper mache boxes I had picked up.. I've been painting..sanding them and staining... One set is finished....the second set...one box to go....I'll post some pics of them tomorrow after there dryed ...I wanted them to set on my black hutch...dry sink...and mantel to give some highth for my prims....

I also made up a couple of batches of salt dough Valentine ornaments for in my displays...I used three different sizes of cookie cutters as you can see in the pics...I have one coat of barn red paint applied...now waiting for them to dry to apply a second coat...I want to finish them up by dipping them in some wax to seal them...I just bought a larger heart cookie cutter over Christmas which I think I will try to make a few larger hearts....

After one coat of barn red paint applied.....

So thanks for stopping by for a visit....come back when you get some free time...

Have a great day and stay warm....

Hugs to all,



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  3. Looks like you are getting some spam! Put the word modifier on and they will quit. :)

    Love your hearts! I need to look to see if I have any Valentine decorations. It will be here soon!

  4. What a busy girl!
    I must have 12 different SETS of mache boxes I bought last Fall just waiting for me to work on them....but I'm wanting to buy some stencils (which aren't cheap) so guess they will be waiting awhile longer.

    Love your little hearts!

