Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year....New You..

Good morning prim friends...

Happy 2010 to everyone.

The weather here in Central Pa has been unbelievably cold...The temperature has only been in the teens the past couple of weeks and the wind chill factor only makes it worse...

I'm thankful that I don't need to be outside in this bone chilling weather...

I've been getting back to my sewing which I didn't do a whole lot of last year....It's my way of relaxation at the end of the day....I got into alot of woodworking over the past couple of years since DH showed me how to run the power tools...

I did make up some signs for our home...As I said before I have to go with the darker colors on anything I make....we have tongue and groove walls and if I use a light color paint on any of my projects it just won't look right....I've tried a mustard color but it just blends into the walls to much...

I am going to try some darker blues and greens this year for something different...get away from so much Burgundy's and barn reds...

Here's a picture of some of the signs that I have been working on the past couple of days....Most of these are going up in my kitchen and a few in the Family room....

I also had time to make up a few bodies for my dolls that I am going to get back into making..I got them coffee stained and baked yesterday along with a couple of muslin stockings that was waiting to be finished..

I wish all the best for everyone in 2010...

.Thank you for stopping by for a visit...
Take care and stay warm ..
Hugs to all...

Sorry for all the space on the bottom of this post....This blogger is a peace of crap....You try to adjust the spacing and it only gets more space in between.......Just had to vent....

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh my you mean I'm NOT the only one that blogger gives a headache to ? lol I kept trying to make my font smaller on my sidebar and it got bigger instead of smaller !!!!! Love the signs and can't wait to see your dollies when they are done. Me and my hubby did some woodwork this weekend. We had a blast. Gotta share what we made when we get it all fisnished. Hope your week is of to a wonderful start!
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
