Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello all prim friends....

I hope all is well with everyone this cold blistery day....It still hasn't warmed up to much here in Central Pa..
I guess we can't expect to much since it is winter time....I looked the other day to see when spring arrives...I'm not going to tell you how many days till the first day of spring.....its to depressing...
So I guess we just have to keep are self's busy in our homes on these long winter days...
That's what I have been doing since I took all the Christmas decor down...Cleaning...Tweaking and Simplifying...

I've been cleaning out my Kitchen cupboards....wiping everything down and throwing out.....It's unbelievable how many of those darn plastic containers you can accumulate over the year...
DH is one of those men that doesn't want to throw anything out since we might be able to use that five years down the road...lol...
It gets pitched when he's not looking....Just don't tell on me..lol..

I rearranged my shelf's at the end of the cupboards to give them a more prim look and for something different...

I thought I would share a few pictures after the tweaking was done...

I need to get back to my cleaning so thank you all for stopping by for a visit...

Stay safe and stay warm....
Hugs to all,


  1. I've kind of been doing the same, cleaning, taking down holiday stuff and wanting to paint before I put things back but will have to wait till it warms up around here. We are supposed to get single digit temps by the weeks end here in Idaho! I'm ok if I'm inside but if the wind picks up I won't go anywhere for sure.
    Oh and by the way, my hubby is the same-can't toss out a thing for the same reason-but I do when he's not looking ;)
    I won't tell if you don't!
    Stay warm and hope you have a good day.

  2. I just found your blog. Haven't read all of it yet, but I'm loving it! I have horizontal tongue and groove walls in my living room, so I know what you mean about not having a choice but to use darker colors for everything you hang on them. It's a pain! Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying your blog and will be checking out your shop when I have more time.

  3. Hi Trena, what a nice bright post.
    I really enjoyed reading here today.
    It's coooooold here today - guess it's cold all over the US from the looks of it.
    Love your tweaking!
