Monday, December 14, 2009

Some holiday photos........

Happy Holidays everyone...
Since everyone is in full swing of Christmas I thought I would share some holiday pics of my summer kitchen...I've tweaked and tweaked again in this room...It's finally how I want it to look...I think for now anyway...I usually put alittle tree on my Hoosier cabinet every year but this year I wanted something different so I put one in my goat cart....I'm pleased how it turned its going to stay put for the holidays...

I set it along side the old cook stove to help offset the stonewall that practically runs the length of the kitchen....It fills up the empty space beside the stove and adds Christmas cheer to the kitchen..

The next two pics show the cookie cutters...rag balls....dried apple slices and the cranberry garland that I put on it.

This is the small bread riser similar to the one on my Dining room table...just a small version..

I hope you enjoyed some Christmas cheer....I'll post some more pictures tomorrow so came back when you get a chance......I now need to get back to my baking...

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Holidays to all..



  1. Trena,
    enjoyed your pictures today. Love the old goat cart and tree.
    Happy Holidays.

  2. Treena,
    Love your goat cart, your stove, and how you have decorated. Looks wonderful and oh so prim. THanks for sharing.

  3. Oh I adore the tree in the goat cart!
    Best wishes

  4. wow! speechless! I absolutely LOVE that tree in the old cart! what a cute and prim idea!
