Friday, December 11, 2009

It took my breath away......

Good morning fellow bloggers....

Is everyone staying warm in these frigid temperatures we are having...
Its looking allot like Christmas outside now with the snow and the cold temperatures....

I wanted to show you all what appeared in my picture that I took downstairs this morning....
Look up in the left hand corner of the picture of the candle that is burning...what does it look like to you....
I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds when I seen it....Doesn't it look like a cross????
I had to show DH right away and he thought it definitely looks like one....I love to see things like this appear out of nowhere....

Its just a beautiful sight this time of year...Brings the whole meaning of Christmas right back ...

Now that I am calmed for stopping by...and I hope this picture means as much to you all as it does to me....

Happy Holidays,


  1. Sure does look like a Cross!
    I love when little unexpected things show up in my photos...well, 'cept for the dust bunnies that seem to appear outta nowhere...hehe!
    I had a little angel show up in one of my photos (that's what I saw anyway)...makes your heart flutter to see such things!
    Thanks for sharing ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Stay warm ;)

  2. Trena,
    Oh yes I see it. That just gives me the warm and tingly feelin' all over to see that. And your right he IS the reason for the season. How easliy many of us forget the true meaning of Christmas and get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of it all. Your picture reminds me to stop and enjoy the Season and celebrate the meaning behind it. Thank you soooo much for sharin' it with us.
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
