Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall items added to selling blog....

Happy Friday everyone......

It's a cold 54 here in Pa. today....started raining early this morning....I guess I shouldn't complain...we really need the rain here....

I figured this would be a good day to add fall items to my selling blog.... So if you get a chance check out all the pumpkins and fall shelf sitters .....I've been working on fall crafts these past couple of months its time to start making Christmas to.....

I was working on a bowl rack that I made for myself yesterday....I got the first coat of black paint on it and the overcoat of Barn red so far...I have to sand it down and stain it but with the weather not cooperating I can't set it outside to dry...This might be put on hold until tomorrow afternoon when the sun is expected to shine again...
I've also been tweaking around the house,since I started my fall cleaning....The shelf that I had done a makeover a couple of months back has been moved to the Livingroom so the bowl shelf will be taking its place above the dinningroom table.....

So thats about it for me....
I have alot of housecleaning I want to get done so this will be a fairly short post....
Wishing everyone a good weekend.....stay safe...
Until next time....

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