Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bowl Rack

Happy Saturday everyone....
Its a cold and rainy day here in Pa. today again......Supposed to clear off and get sunny this afternoon...Hope everyone else is having a better weather day than we are here...

I mentioned in my last post that I made myself a bowl rack for on my one wall....I've been looking at these for along time....So I decided just to give it a try and make myself one....

I free handed the side boards to get just the right curve in it....It took me a few trys....but I think it turned out pretty good for an amateur...

This is a front view......

This is a side view .....

I had bought a set of three wooden bowls a couple of weeks ago just for this rack....two are on the bottom shelf....Put two cutting boards...two black bowls and a star plate on the top shelf for now...

I painted it black then put an overcoat of barn red ....I am getting to many burgundy pieces in my house so I went with the barn red....After I applied the walnut stain the barn red got a real deep I figured what the heck....its going to stay like that...

So that is what I have been working on today......I'm going to get somemore fall cleaning done since I can't get outside to do anything...

Everyone have a great weekend....

Until next time....Trena