Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Thyme in the sun room....

Yesterday the weather was cold and snowing,
today the snow is melted and the sun is shinning..
It seems like it can't make up its mind..

I've been working on the Christmas decor in my sun room
to give me that extra boost of energy because of the sun shinning
in and its also my place just to relax in....

This room is extra special to me because of the mantel
that we installed came out of my grandparents farmhouse...
I knew the day I brought it home that it was going to hold
a very special place in my heart where every it was placed.

When we decided to build a sun room onto the lower level
of our home I knew that was where I wanted the mantel to
be...It only needed alittle tender loving care and now it stands
proudly in our sun room.

Every time I walk into this room and look at it I think of
my grandparents and my dad..You see this was the farmhouse
my dad grew up in and I'm am so very thankful that I have of piece
my grandparents and dad's homestead...

My Christmas Mantel....

Thanks for stopping in for a visit.
Have a safe and Blessed Day.
Prim hugs,


  1. Looks wonderful! Love the oranges and candy canes! The wrapped gifts are adorable too!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Looks so the dried orange slices, want to try some......Blessings Francine.

  3. Enjoyed your Christmas tour and loved all of those wrapped packages with the gingers. Look forward to getting to know you and just became your newest follower. Take care, Janice
