Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas pics...

Happy Monday everyone..
I hope all is well and your staying warm..
It's bitterly cold here today..low in the teens last night..
I am so ready for summer to come, enough of this cold weather..

I am so far behind in my Christmas decorating this year due to remodeling our
Sun room..I just don't have the time to do as much decorating as I usually do.
Our 12ft tree didn't go up either ...with two new puppies I wasn't taking
the chance of it coming down on top of them..

I wanted to post  a few pictures of my cook stove that I have
decorated for Christmas this year.
Normally I don't decorate it but I was rearranging in my Summer
Kitchen and decided to take the wooden box off the kitchen counter and put them on the cook stove.

I then placed my 3ft.tree in my goat cart and set it alongside
the stove.....

Thanks for stopping in for a visit.
Hopefully I can get time to post some more
Christmas pictures .
In the mean time stay save..stay warm and take care..

Prim hugs,


  1. Trena, I love the cookstove and the goat cart beside it. Your decorations are beautiful. So prim and cozy. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  2. Trena, all of your decorating is stunning! Love it ~ thanks for sharing.

  3. Love your holiday decorating and love those jar lights!

  4. Trena, I love what you did with your collection of blue jars and the soft lights that you put around them.

    Your homestead is warm and cozy!
    I enjoyed your Christmas post.
    Merry Christmas,

  5. I love your stove. The pictures are wonderful!

  6. Trena~ love the cookstove~ oh, girl your decorating takes my breath away~ you have a gift to make it perfect!!!

  7. Your Christmas decorations are lovely. Love the jars in the box..magical!

  8. Hi Trena,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment and the prayers.
    Oh you know that I looove that stove. If I could I'd be there in the night and steal it away! lol
    Gorgeous photos.
    Blessings and Merry Christmas,
