Wednesday, April 13, 2011

~~Signs of Spring~~

With the temperature hitting 82 on Monday it brought the forsythia bushes out in all of there glory..

This is the greeting you receive when you pull into our driveway...

Now your pulling up to the house....
I also gave my two old bicycles a new coat of white paint while the weather was nice and
set them in my flower bed for summer..

See the Covered bridge and the Church peeking Thur the bush.....
This is in the back  yard of the Olde Homestead.
Along side of the Olde Homestead...

I hope you enjoyed seeing some Spring Thyme pictures from the Olde Homestead..
Thanks for stopping in for a visit and come back when you get time out of your busy schedules..
Have a wonderful day...
Prim hugs,


  1. Trena, You have such a beautiful place. Love the bushes. We call them "yellow bell" bushes. Ours have long bloomed and lost their flowers. The scenery around your home is so serene. Thanks for sharing. Have a good evening

  2. Your forsythia are absolutely gorgeous. Ours only bloom sporadically, never fully. Mike wants to tear them out but they leaf out so beautifully and provide a haven for the birds. *sigh* what to do---what to do.....
    Love the driveway greeting!

  3. OMGoodness, your forsythia are beautiful! TFS your lovely home.


  4. What beautiful pictures! That covered bridge is awesome. Is it still used for traffic?

  5. Yes Betty the Coveredbridge is open to traffic...You would be surprised that the amount of cars that travel across it everyday...

    Prim hugs,
