Tuesday, April 5, 2011

~~Mantel..Spring Thyme~~

Happy Tuesday everyone..
It's alittle chilly here today..only in the 40's..
yesterday it was up in the 70's...30 degree temperature difference...

I'll be so glad like the rest of you when Spring arrives for good...
This up and down temperatures are ridiculous..
Summer can't get here soon enough for me..

I was visiting Linda's blog..
a couple of days ago and seen how she took cuttings from her forsythia bushes and placed them in a vase of warm water to force the buds to bloom...
That gave me an idea for my mantel for Spring...
So out in the yard I go with my handy clippers and cut a large basket full of forsythia stems..
Took out some of my blue mason jars and filled them with warm water and
filled all the jars with forsythia stems and within a couple of days all the buds were open ...
Thanks Linda for the wonderful tip....

With all that said here's my Mantel all ready for Spring Thyme to get here...

Even thought it looks like Spring Thyme here in the Olde Homestead I'm still longing for the warm temperatures..blue sunny skies..birds chirping and my gardens blooming with bright seasonal flowers..I guess we all just need to practice patience...With due time the seasons will come..

Thanks for stopping by for a visit..
Come back when you get time..

Prim hugs,


  1. Hi Trena, I live a few towns over fro Linda Behind the Red Door and her lowers might be coming up but in our little town of Hopkinton.MA, not so much!
    Your flower's on your mantle SCREAMS SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!!
    I always look at the side of your blog because I LOVE the pictures of your flower's, the breath taking. I have a few garden's and I can't wait to be able to get in my garden's and plant new ones and see all the beauty of nature come up!

    Have a wonderful day.
    Spring Blesings,

  2. Your mantel looks beautiful and so springy! Can't wait until we see some of those forsythia blooming in our area!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful day.

  3. Forsythia is my all time favorite bloom. I only have a few small bushes but one day they will be nice and big and I will have all the cuttings I want. Your mantle is breathtaking Trena. It is so very Spring like.

  4. Love your mantle with the Forsythia. They are so bright and springy. I know what you mean about the weather. We still have lots of snow here yet. Spring has to come soon. Thanks for sharing.
    Stop on over to my blog sometime and check out my flowers, crafts and recipes. I am having my first giveaway too.
    Becky at Ginger Creme Hollow

  5. Your mantle looks beautiful! It made me look forward to spring even more! Wish I had some of those bushes. I grew up with them and loved them but I have yet to own here :( Our temps are doing the same thing, crazy!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful display!
