Wednesday, March 9, 2011

~~Colonial shelf and more~~

Hello everyone...
I hope all is well and your all thinking Spring Thyme like I am..
It can't get here soon enough for me...We woke up to 4 inches of snow Monday morning...
Enough is Enough..Thankfully it is all melted already...
That's one good thing about this time of year..If it does snow it doesn't last very long....
I did see my first flock of Robin's this morning in the yard so thats a good sign...Spring is on its way...

Its been warm enough these past couple of weeks to get out in the garage and make some wooden shelves and get some makeover's done that has been on my to do list all winter..
I've been looking at magazine's all winter long to try and find something I could make for on my wall's in my hallway...
Nothing really caught my eye until I went shopping and seen a shelf that I thought might work ...
When I looked at the price I knew I wasn't going to pay the price they were asking..
So I decided to build one myself with wood I already had in the garage..
Hubby always tells me not to through out any scraps of wood can always use them for something else..
and that's exactly what I did..

With tools and paint brushes in hand I got to work...
I drew a design free hand on the top and bottom piece of plywood ...
Cut it out with my jig saw...sanded all the rough edges and wiped it clean with a tack cloth....
I then painted it using Caromal Colours...Peppercorn Textured as the base coat....left it dry then I gave it two coats of Caromal Colours...using Pumpkin Textured Base coat....leaving it dry for a couple of hours in between coats..
I then sanded it with my palm sander all around the edges and stained it with Minwax, Walnut Stain..

..This is a new color for me to be using...Just about all the things I made or makeover are either black or barn red...I can't use mustard because the color blends in to much with the tongue and groove wood...I use darker colors for it to stand I am really pleased how this shelf turned out..

Its exactly what I envisioned and I have the satisfaction that I made it myself.....
With all that said here's a few pictures of my new Colonial shelf...

I'm having trouble posting pictures so I'll try again tomorrow posting somemore things I've been working on..
Thanks for stopping in for a visit and all the wonderful comments...
Have a great day..
Prim hugs,


  1. Oh my Trena, the shelf turned out really well. You done a great job on building it. Looks really nice with your primitive items on it. Thanks for sharing your project. Vicky

  2. I love this! It's a terrific piece, you did a great job on it! You should be proud, I'll look forward to seeing more of your pictures, you have a beautiful home!

  3. I love this! Good for you for making it yourself.

  4. Oh my Trena I LOVE it! Great job! Saw my first robin here in Central PA today. I was so excited. We had about 8 inches of snow on Monday and most of its gone. I hope that ws the last of it!
    Hugs Theresa

  5. I just did a tall cabinet with caromal colours. Parchment with toner. I have the same diagnol walls in my livingroom! We have a post and beam so our ceilings are wood too.

  6. :pve the shelf, and the fact you made it yourself. You did a great job with accessorizing ir roo. Have a good evening

  7. Love it! It looks wonderful with all your prims on it.

  8. Love the shelf, great jib and it looks wonderful against the wood wall.

  9. Love your shelf, Trena! You did a beautiful job on it.

  10. Very nice--I really like it! Pumpkin, huh? I like that!

  11. AMAZING!!! Trena you have done a wonderful job on the shelf I LOVE it!!! I love the shape and color. Lucky you...I wouldn't know where to begin making something like this.

