Monday, February 28, 2011

~~Prim display~~

Happy Monday to you all...
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend..
I spent the weekend doing fun things...Saturday we went Antiquing..I didn't find anything I wanted..Allot of things I seen but wouldn't use in my home...
The prices were outrageous on small items...things that weren't worth half the price they were asking..

I did put together a prim display for on top of my new cupboard that my son bought me..
Just something simple..not to overpowering..
I set it back in the corner beside the big screen TV for now..that way I can set and look at it while I'm watching TV in the evenings..
That does sound ridiculous doesn't it...But I believe in enjoying the simple things in life...
So I thought I would share of few pictures of my new prim display...

Thanks for stopping in for a visit...Come back when you get time...Have a great day..
Prim hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Love your display. When decorating less is more in my opinion. I don't like the too busy look. Yours is pleasant to the eye. Have a good day.
