Saturday, January 29, 2011

~~Changing and Rearranging~~

Hello everyone,
I hope all is well and your all trying to stay warm..
Its been extremely cold and blustery here in Central Pa. this whole month of January...
We've had snow storms going thru is seems just about every week ....Fortunately not as much as other parts of the country that seems to get hammered every other day......
All we can do is just try to stay positive and keep thinking Spring is just around the corner....Warm weather..bright blue sky's and white puffy clouds...

I've been keeping myself busy house cleaning...To cold to be outside so I figured I'd get my Spring cleaning done ..
I started downstairs on my Summer Kitchen..finished it up then moved on to my Family room..
Here' a few pictures of my Family room...cleaned and rearranged...with a touch of Spring...

These two chairs belonged to my Grandparents..

That will just about do it for this post..
Thank you all for stopping by for a visit..
Take care..stay warm and be safe..
Prim hugs,


  1. Everything looks beautiful. Your lighting makes it all so cozy!

  2. Good morning...I like your tweaking. I like everything about your beautiful home.
    Wow I love those two chairs in the second photo.


  3. Everything looks wonderful - I love your touches of spring. The chairs from your grandparents are beautiful.


  4. I love your cozy home with all the warm colors. Yes, with the cold weather I love to stay inside and "tweak" my house, too. I just discovered your blog and love your banner of the oil lamps. Love the texture of the glass against the rock fireplace! Keep Warm,,,spring is comin'.
    Hugs from Northern CA.
