Monday, November 8, 2010

~~Blowing in the wind~~

Happy Monday everyone...It's alittle windy here today so I decided I would hang some of my Christmas stitchery out on the clothes line to dry..As you can see in the pictures the wind is blowing so much I doubled up on the clothes pins so I didn't have to chase my stitchery all over the yard......
Living out in the country as we do no one really slams on there brakes while there driving by thinking to themselves.. look how dirty that ladies laundry is...Believe me I've hung some really grungy looking things out on my line at one time or another....Thankfully no one has wrecked yet....
Everyone have a wonderful Monday...
Prim hugs,


  1. Wow it is a bit windy at your place Trena. I can't wait to see what you do with all that stuff you have drying.
    Enjoy your week.
    Hugs, AMY

  2. That is funny....
    I know people think that when they are visiting and see my prim stuff. I had croquet balls in a wood bowl once and my granddaughter ( 6 yrs. old)could not believe it. She wanted to play with them so bad. Most people just don't get it. Makes me smile.......
