Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time stood still that beautiful fall day...

I look at this young lady and can't believe how  my little blond eyed baby girl has grown into a beautiful..caring...loving young woman..I share with you all some pictures of her wedding day that was a day full of  love..laughter and some very proud moments....

Her big brother walking her down the aisle...

The Bride &Groom..

The wedding was held at the Fallen Tree Farm Bed & Breakfast..1634 Holly Pike..Carlisle, Pa..
It was a beautiful setting for a fall wedding...Lush green pastures..Baskets of fall mums setting around the stone foundation where the original barn once stood...brick walkways leading to and from the farm house..Just a picturesque place to be...The original farm house has been restored back to the original state from when it was first built...
This is the original home restored back to its glory...
Isn't it breath taking...

Flower gardens....

Prim hugs,


  1. Oh, Trena! What a beautiful bride your daughter was. The setting is also gorgeous! You have a right to be proud.

  2. Such a lovely bride and what a wonderful setting! Blessings to all~

  3. Very beautiful, thanks for sharing this~

  4. Your daughter looks absolutely stunning Trena. Such a beautiful spot she and her new husband chose to be married at. I pray the Lord blesses them with many happy and prosperous years together.

  5. Your daughter is so lovely. The wedding looks like it was held at a fantastic venue. Surely a memorable day for everyone. Wishing the new bride and groom many, many years of happiness.


  6. Trena, your daughter is a beautiful bride. And the setting is perfect. Blessings to the happy couple.

  7. What a gorgeous bride and a wonderful setting for a wedding. I hope all her dreams come true and a long happy marriage!

  8. OH MY...she's just beautiful!!!
    ..and what a perfectly gorgeous place to have it.

    Best wishes to the happy couple!

  9. My goodness Trena how beautiful!
    Everything is beautiful starting with your daughter.
    Thanks for sharing.
