Monday, September 13, 2010

~What is yet to come~

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather we are having...the mornings are cool and crisp...the leaves blowing in the wind..just a time to stop and enjoy the wonderful world that we live in..

Sorry I have been missing in blog land these past few months...As I said before we are helping out an elderly neighbor get his property cleaned  up and that's been pretty much all summer long so I really haven't had the time to sit and  chat for very long..I just popped in and seen how everyone was doing and then back outside to work..
I thought I would share a few pictures of what I am going to use on a project that I have had to put on the back burner.....I ordered  from Country Living Artisan's Collection two 32 oz. Textured Base coat...Peppercorn  paint to use for this project...I just picked it up from  the post office this morning and I am hoping by this weekend I can get started ...
So stay tune for my big reveal in the next couple of weeks and also a fall giveaway that I am going to have next week...

Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Wishing everyone a safe and beautiful day...
Prim hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just purchased some of that very paint a couple weeks ago. I love it!! I have used almost all of the peppercorn and ordered more of it and some other colors this morning. I just love the look it gives. Can't wait to see your project.
