Sunday, August 22, 2010

~~~Birthday Gift~~~

I thought I would share a few pictures of the gift I received from my son for my birthday tomorrow...I've been wanting to get an area rug for in our Living room for sometime now...The green carpet is so over whelming ..believe you me this color was not my choice but at the time the house was being built it was a really good price.When I seen this oriental rug on sale and it had all the colors that I was looking for..I knew then how much of a difference it would make our Living room look and I was so right...It just gave the room a whole different look...which was what I was trying to accomplish.......

Thank you all for stopping by for a visit....wishing everyone a safe and prosperous week ahead...
Until next time
Prim hugs to all,


  1. It is gorgeous! What a sweet son you have.
    I was bidding on a similar one at an auction yesterday--maybe not quite so big. I refused to go $40. Now I am wondering how high I would have had to go to get it. *sigh* I hate it when I do that---don't keep bidding on something I really want! Grrr.....
    You enjoy yours! It does make a huge difference! :}

  2. Trena,
    Happyy birthday to you. My birthday was Monday the 23rd too! I had a very nice one. Guess you did too.
