Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~~Somemore new goodies~~

Lancaster electric candle....This is on my old sewing machine in the downstairs Family room.
Plate/candle holder....I hung this piece on my stone wall in my Summer kitchen..

Port smith Table lamp....I set this on my old school desk in our Family room..

Star plate with holder....It is setting on my buffet...

Textiles....I bought a set of six of these to use around my home...

Tin based electric candle....This I set in my old sifter on my wood stove in the downstairs Family room.

And last but not least I bought five pair of Prairie curtains...four of the Sturbridge Gathered design for the Master bedroom and one of the Apple Jack Gathered design for in the office....I'll save pictures of them for another time....
So I hope you all enjoyed looking at my new treasures I bought for my home...I'm one that cannot pass up a good bargain and when I seen everything 50% off  I couldn't take items off the shelves fast enough.....
Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I won't be away from posting as long as it was this time...
Wishing everyone a great day...
Prim hugs,


  1. I love everything Trena especially the electric candle and the table lamp. Prairie curtains are my favorites. One day I will be putting them up in my livingroom. Post pics of your bedroom when you get yours up.

  2. LOVE all your new finds!! You have them placed wonderfully.


  3. Oh boy do I ever love all your new goodies :)

  4. I was on google hunting for directions to make a make do chair and came across an old blog segment of yours showing the first step of making one. Said to continue on a later blog. That blog was dated I think 08. So I typed in your blog address and low and behold there on your blog is a picture of your completed make do chair. BUT no directions. lol It really came out GREAT!! I want to make a couple to sell in my shop. If you have directions that I could copy I would appreciate that. liz from lizziesraggs.
