Monday, July 19, 2010

Its been so long....

Hello everyone.....Sorry I have been MIA seems forever since I posted anything....
We've been helping a elderly neighbor out this summer getting his property cleaned up...
He has a daughter that lives out of state and doesn't get a chance to come home very much, and his wife passed away in 2002 so he is pretty much by himself....
He's 88 years old and gets around quite well for his age...He's a sweetheart...loves to have company and loves to talk....
With all that said...I have had a chance to go  shopping at a shop that is closing its doors...When my daughter Kristin was home for the July 4th holiday we went to one of the shops that is fairly close to home and discovered she was selling everything in her shop at 50% off...Due to the economy she wasn't making enough to keep her doors open so all merchandise was 50% off until July 31...
I've been back to her shop three times so I did get alot of things for my home and gifts for Christmas...
Hopefully tomorrow I can get a chance to take some pictures of the things I purchased....
So come back tomorrow if you all get a chance....thanks for stopping and
Prim hugs to all..

1 comment:

  1. It is so sad when businesses are closing down.Looking forward to seeing what you bought though.Keep on posting! :)
