Monday, June 14, 2010

~~~Pillow Tucks~~~

Good Monday Morning everyone and Happy Flag Day...
I hope everyone is well and enjoying all this hot and humid weather..The temperature went up to the 90's here over the weekend....A good time to stay inside and enjoy the AC...and work on some stitching.... These are all freebies from  that I've been working on and made into pillow tucks....I changed a couple patterns from the originals ..just for something different...It felt so good just to sit down and stitch...something I hadn't  done for such along time......With all that said I wish everyone a wonderful day....stay in where its cool and


Prim hugs to all,


  1. Your pillow tucks turned out just lovely! I recently finished Betty's 'Time' pattern into a Pinkeep. Her designs are perfectly prim. TFS.

  2. Hi Trena...well I totally forgot this was Flag Day...I always fly my flags so I'm covered there! lol

    Love your little cute!


  3. I really like the pillow tucks, I will have to find the pattern you were talking about to make one. The crow with the key is my fav. I know what you mean about stitching, it really is very relaxing. Have a great day!
