Saturday, May 22, 2010

~Summer Kitchen-Drop leaf table~

Before I get the day started I wanted to share some pictures of my Summer Kitchen that I've been working on this past week...As I said in a previous post I went shopping in my garage and brought out a drop leaf table with four black vinyl chairs along with the captains chair..
This is the outcome of working so hard this week to get it finished..

I took out my oval Oak table and chair set and replaced it with the drop leaf table with four chairs....I also moved my Hoosier cabinet around to the Stone wall and replaced it with the black cupboard....Put back the corner cupboard and added my strainers to the shelves...
I've decided to take away the captains chair at the head of the table only because it makes it to crowed....The more I look at the pictures I like it alot better without the captains chair..opens it up more...
So there you are with the results of my tweaking this week...I promised I would share pictures of the outcome and I am pretty satisfied with the results of my makeover..
Thanks for stopping by this beautiful Saturday morning...
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend...
Prim hugs,


  1. Trena, the changes you made to your kitchen look great! Doesn't feel good to give things a new look once in a while? I love changing our rooms around once in a while and I always feel so good afterward. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
