Thursday, May 20, 2010

~~Shopping in my garage~~

Happy Thursday all prim friends... I hope all is well with everyone...I can't believe its been a week since I last posted anything...I've just been really busy cleaning and getting the yard work done while we have warm days....It's been raining here the past three days and I've been taking advantage of it to get things done inside our home....I've been looking for something to put our tv on out in our sunroom and I came across this old trunk in the garage so I thought I would stack another trunk on top of this one and then set the tv on it...

I've been working on my Summer Kitchen...changing my Hoosier Cabinet around and taking out the oval kitchen table and chair set...That's where I went shopping in my garage came from....I brought out an old drop leaf table and four of the black vinyl cushion chairs out of the garage and cleaned them and now there setting proudly in the Summer kitchen...This is a pic of one of the six  chairs that hubby bought years ago at an estate sale...Actually I forgot they were stored in the garage and when I went out to find something else I was looking for I seen these back in the corner...So out with the new and in with the old...

That's two more things crossed off my to do list so I better get my butt in gear and get outside while the sun is shinning and get our lawn mowed...Time to get those weeds pulled  and lawn manacured for the weekend..
Thanks for stopping by for a visit....Come back soon for I'll be posting pics of the summer kitchen and the sunroom with the new tv stand...
Wishing everyone a wonderful day and take care to all..
Prim hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I would like to see what else you have in your garage Trena. I love that chair. I bet is looks wonderful at your table.
    Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
