Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New pics..Kitchen

Hello prim friends..I hope all is well with everyone ...Its alittle cold here today...only in the upper 40's....tomorrow the sun is suppossed to come back out and expected to be in the mid 70's...Hubby and I just came back from our 2 mile walk and I thought I would get on here and share some pictures of my kitchen that I have been working on..I'm not satisfied with some of the arrangements that I have on top of cupboards so thats going to be changed out today....
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day...We just had a quiet day with the family...Nothing to extravagent...
I went and bought my ferns last friday for on my front porch at our local garden center...That's a gift my son always buy's me for Mother's Day...he's not one to go shopping for Mom....he just hands over the cash...LOL..

So I need to get off of here and get some work done...Thanks for stopping by and wishing everyone a wonderful day...
Prim hugs,

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