Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Thyme.......

Wishing everyone a glorious Monday....

The sun is shinning bright...white puffy clouds...a gentle breeze...I can't ask for anything more....

It's expected to get in the high 60's here in central Pa. today....and I am enjoying it..

I stripped the bed this morning and washed up the sheets,heavy blankets and the quilt and hung them outside to dry...
Everyone have a great day and enjoy the sun...I sure am...


  1. I can't wait to hang mine out:)

  2. Awww the fresh smell of clothing on the line.

    The sun is shining my way also. Actually they are complaining that the wells are going dry because we hardly had snow this winter and now they are praying for some rain. It's not 60 but at least 25 here, and that makes me happy.

    Have a great Monday ;)

  3. I can't wait to hang clothes on the line! I am lovin this weather...hope it stays this way! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  4. The sun is shining brightly here in Ohio too. It's so nice to get out of the deep freeze.
    I think Spring has finally sprung.
    Love the quilts!

  5. What a wonderful site seeing those quilts on the line...they are just beautiful.

  6. What a wonderful site seeing those quilts on the line...they are just beautiful.

  7. you lucky gal! it is no where near time to air dry blankets here. in fact, rain for today and the next 5!
