Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prims I made..........part 1

Hello all prim friends...
I hope all is well with everyone on this beautiful sunny Saturday...
It's supposed to get up in the 50's today here in Central Pa....The snow is slowly melting...the sun is shinning bright....spring is on is way...
I've been away from the computer these past couple of days..getting spring cleaning washed...carpets shampooed...walls wiped down.....Just the usual airing out and cleaning up....
With that said I thought I would show you all some of the prim items that I have made for in our home this past year....
The first two are a couple of game boards that I made for on my black hutch and wall shelf in our Family room...

This dry sink is setting proudly in our Summer Kitchen ...

The bowl rack is hanging on the wall in the Dining room...

The candle board is hung on the wall above the stairway....

and the candle holder is hung downstairs in our Family room...

There's so many pictures of my prims so I'm not going to post them all at once....I'll do them in separate parts starting with today...
I'm off to get some more cleaning done and I'm wanting to get some prims spray painted since it is so nice outside..
So thanks for stopping by and I wish everyone a wonderful weekend...
Prim hugs to all,

1 comment:

  1. Love your game board signs. And ohhh crock heaven ! lol I love love love crocks ! I'm on the lookout for a bowl rack but may have Hubbs try and make me one. I made a candle keep out of an old cutting board and just love it. Love how yours looks too. Did you grubby your candles yourself ?
    All your prims are lovely !!!!
    Thanks for sharing....
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
