Wednesday, February 17, 2010

~~~Primitive Gatherings~~~

Hello all prim friends.....
I hope all is well with everyone...
I've been doing some cleaning and tweaking this week and I thought I would show you a few prim gatherings I have around my home....

I've been slowly getting some of my spring decor out to go through it ...Making bunny's and muslin carrots for my daughter and anxiously waiting for spring to arrive...
I'm fast approaching my first year anniversary here on my watch for a big giveaway within the next month...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Take care and prim hugs to all...


  1. Very nice tweaking, spring is slowly getting here wit Ash Wednesday today, it helps to think that Easter is in 6 weeks. You have a nice blog, stop over to mine and sign up for a giveaway!

  2. I love all your gatherings...especially the baskets. Lovely! I became a follower of your blog.

  3. I love the warm glow your candles give off. You are off to a great start for Spring. Wish I could get motivated but with about 30 inches of snow in my front yard, its kind of hard to think spring.
    Enjoy your night,
