Friday, February 19, 2010

A little bit of Spring Thyme

Hello everyone....

Like the rest of you all over the country I am so tired of looking out the window and seeing nothing but snow...

I've been adding alittle bit of spring around my home these past couple of weeks to lift everyone spirits and to add some hope that spring is just around the corner...

This arrangement I put in my old loaf pan and set on the windowsill at my kitchen sink...

The next two arrangements I put in my long john baskets and hung them on my Frenchdoors ...

I don't add alot of fake flowers in my arrangements around my home..

but this time of year just alittle bit of color makes the world of difference..

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and I wish everyone a wonderful weekend...

Prim hugs to all,



  1. Everything looks great, Trena ~ I think we are all looking forward to spring.

  2. So pretty!! :) Yep-I'm thinkin spring too...can't wait!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Trena.

  3. Very Springy, Trena! I'm thinking I should do the same.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Love's great going on blogs and seeing some green:)


  5. I love winter and I love snow but...........I'm soooooo ready for spring !!!!! Love the touches you added to your home. Hope your having a wonderful weekend =0)
    Prim Huggs n Blessins
