Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prim displays

Happy Saturday everyone...
Its a beautiful day here in Central Pa....50 degrees on the thermometer.

It would be so nice if it would stay this way the rest of the winter but I don't see that happening..
Spring can't get here soon enough for about you all?
I thought I would post some pics of various prim displays around my kitchen....
Hope you enjoy....

Thanks for stopping by and wishing everyone a great weekend...
Hugs to all,


  1. Hi there~ I'm in NW Pa and we are only up to 39, but I'll take that over last week's temps:) Love all your prim displays!!!

  2. Love your prim displays in your kitchen.

  3. Trena, it was a beautiful day here today, like you, I would love it to stay this way....but I believe it is wishful thinking!

    Love all of your displays, Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Morning Trena...your displays are so pleasing and I see you use a similar effect on your really makes your treasures stand out!

    Eeee Gads....nice and warm there...we are still in the high teens!!!


  5. Oh yes...the warmer weather...YAY...I am fairly close to Carmen and it's a bit colder here than where you are ....BUT I will take it, and if it wants to STAY like this through Feb...I'm fine with that...LOL!
    Love your kitchen gatherings.
    Have a wonderful day and a happy week.
