Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Latest prim project

Happy cold Wednesday prim friends...

It's extremely cold here in central Pa. today....only in the mid 20's...brrrrrrrrrrr...
Were back to seasonal temperatures as expected....I preferred the 50 degree temperatures that we had over the weekend....
I keep telling myself just to keep thinking spring...we'll get there...just not soon enough for me..

I've been working on a few different projects these past couple of weeks....This doll is one of the Jackie Schmidt designs....I just changed it up abit from her pattern...

I've been dividing my time between the wood shop and actually setting down at my sewing machine..I spent so much time last year in the wood shop that I wanted to get back in the sewing room to make some dolls.....quilts...homespun pillows..and curtains...

I have a whole list of projects that I want to start and finish for our home...

I have a herd of sheep that needs to be finished and turned out to pasture...there not liking it still laying beside my sewing machine...

So I am off to get my work done....everyone have a great day....take care...
Hugs to all..



  1. Awwww... she's so primtastic.

    Yep I have lots of projects laying around too. I just seem to find others to do instead. LOL.


  2. Wonderful doll. I wish I had your talent and could sew. I would love to see your herd so please show us when you get them done.
