Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas tree....Livingroom

Hello everyone....I hope this post finds everyone well and not getting to stressed out thinking about Christmas arriving in 23 days......I've been done shopping for sometime now....nothing is wrapped though...

I've just been tweaking some displays around the house....not satisfied with acouple of things...One day I think it looks okay and the next day the complete opposite....

Here's a few pictures of my tree in the Living room....I done it all with ornies...dried apple and orange slices....rag balls.....Christmas pillows.....homespun stockings and finished it off with raffia...

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day....DH is going for a hernia operation...its a out patient procedure....Just alittle scary on my part....He's not one bit bothered...Those kind of things doesn't seem to bother him one bit..I'm the worry wart....over think everything....

This is going to be a fairly short post....I need to keep busy and not think about tomorrow to much....

Thanks for taking the time to stop by....Everyone have a great day...

Until next time...

Hugs to all...



  1. Trena,

    Your Christmas tree is just beautiful!!

  2. Your tree looks great! I love seeing everyone's unique ideas.. so great!!

    Try not to worry.. hubby will be okay. :)

  3. Trena, love your header!! Your tree looks so pretty :)

  4. That tree is beautiful. Will add ya'll to my prayers for your hubby's surgery
    Prim HUggs n Blessins

  5. What a beautiful tree! Your decorations lookk so lovely with the twinkly lights glowing on them!
    Hope all goes well for you & hubby.
    Best wishes
