Sunday, November 8, 2009

Motherload of Winterberries

Good Sunday morning to all you fellow bloggers...

It's a gorgeous day here in central Pa...expected high in upper 60's..

A good day to take a walk in the woods and get all my greens for the holidays..

I went out early this morning to get my winterberries ...I found the motherload of berries where I hadn't really look before....I took my Explorer only because I had to get out on the main highway and I didn't want to loose all of them coming home...I just threw an old sheet in the back..laid the back seat down and started cutting away...
I was very pleased to see almost all of the leaves had already fallen off....great for me...

This last bunch I cut still have allot of the leaves attached so you all know what I am going to be doing this afternoon...

So I am off to the woods to cut some green's..Hopefully I won't get shot,since hunting season is in around here..There isn't to many hunters out on Sunday's ...

Wishing everyone a great day...Stay safe and hugs to you all...


1 comment:

  1. Trena, It seems that you are the expert in Winterberry. Can you please go to my blog and tell me if this a form of Winterberry? www.therareden.blogspot
    Thanks! Have a GREAT day!
