Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Homespun Stockings........

Hello everyone....How's you all doing this fine Tuesday morning?

I thought I would show you a couple of the homespun stockings I have been making lately....
They aren't going to be hanging on the mantel for Christmas....just hung them there to take some pictures...

I've made them out of muslin that I tea dyed and homespun that I grubbed up....Rubbed some cinnamon on them..added a prim tag attached with a clothes pin that I painted black...

I hope these pictures get all you ladies in the mood to start decorating for Christmas....

Christmas is in full swing at our home...

I'm off to get some sewing done....

Wishing everyone a great day...

Hugs to all,



  1. What cute stockings! Just where are they going to be going????
    I like hanging these kinds of things on the back of my dining room chairs - really cute.

  2. Hi Trena, my first time visiting you, what a lovely prim blog:) Love those stockings!!! I just made some too, but mine are not as nice as yours! hope you are enjoying the day!!!!

  3. Cute cute prim stockings, love them!

