Friday, October 30, 2009

Old wooden coat hanger

Happy Friday everyone.

I hope all is well...

I've been finishing up on some of my wooden projects in the wood shop since the weather has been cool and rainy here all week..I figured it was a good time as any to complete what I started...

This wooden coat rack hung in my grandparent's farmhouse kitchen for as long as I can remember...I remember my pap hanging his coat on it with his hat...he always wore a hat..when he would come in from outside..

It was painted beige when I brought it home,so I just gave it a coat of flat black paint...I hung it up against the bottom piece of molding that goes around our room...and hung all black baskets on it...

Now everytime I look up at it I remember it being a part of my grandparents its a part of mine..

I also finished up my towel rack and hung it directly below the baskets for some color...

There's a few more wooden projects that I have to finish up..hopefully I can get them done sometime next week....

That will be just about all there is to post today...I am making acouple of pumpkin pies for Halloween so I better get started on them...

Wishing everyone a great weekend and Happy Halloween...

Don't forget we turn the clock's back Saturday night....we get a extra hour of sleep...

Hugs to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Trena! It was so nice of you to stop by my blog and leave a kind comment!
    I love the fact that now you've got something practical yet sentimental in your home to remind you of your grandparents' home. It looks great as does the towel rack!
    Best wishes
