Thursday, October 22, 2009

My baby turns 24....

Twenty four years ago today at exactly 3:40 pm I had this little bundle of joy.... I was praying for a little girl so much ..Our son was 3 1/2 and he wanted a little sister...that's all he talked about for months...he was going to be a big brother..When he got to meet her for the very first time he was beaming from ear to ear....Unforgettable moment..

She has grown up to be a loving and kind young lady..A loyal friend that is always there in time of need..She has brought so much joy and love into my life..So very proud to call her my daughter...

So when the clock turns 3:40 this afternoon I'll remember that sunny fall day in October when this beautiful young lady came into my life....My life changed forever...I had my little girl...

Happy Birthday Kristin...we are so proud of the beautiful young lady that you've become and we love you so very,very much...

Love Mom and Dad....

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