Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October 1....

Good morning everyone....Its a cold day in Central up to a low of 44...The high is supposed to get up in the 60's ...I just don't see that happening....What ever happened to easing into fall...

I been extremely busy here on Covered bridge Road....I can't believe its been two weeks since I last posted anything...How time flyes..Were finishing up on the stone work on our home...the south side is 90% finished...the octagon window is the next step...

This picture is of the front of our home that is completed....

This is of our addition of the sun room...

We've hoping to get everything finished up before winter sets in....if the weather holds out without any really cold temperatures it should be finished up within the month..

I've got alittle fall decorating done....I really scaled back this year....I done the entryway of the driveway and put a fall wreath on the sun room door and put some fall flowers in my front door basket....that's about it...

I try to get some pictures taken and post them later on today of my fall decor..
So everyone have a great day...
Hugs to you....Trena

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