Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Friday everyone....Woke up to a temperature of 35 this morning....Expected to have mixture of rain and snow today.....Another day of miserable weather..I guess the bright side of it is snuggling along side the coal stove to do some sewing.....

I finished up on a makeover of a set of wooden canisters I found in the attic while doing my fall cleaning...Actually I forgot they were even up there....

This is what they did looked 70's don't' you think

Just to play safe I sanded them first all over so the black paint would adhere to it...I gave them a couple coats of black paint....left them dry between coats then applied two coats of barn red....

Sanded along the edges and sealed them with minwax,walnut stain...

This is the final results....

They look so much better than before don't you think?

There sitting proudly on the counter in my summer kitchen underneath my Mercantile sign I also made....

This is going to be a fairly short post...I have to get some cleaning done today and a few more signs made....So thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to pop in and read my blog...

Hugs to all,

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