Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bittersweet galore....

Hello everyone.....Just thought I would drop in and show you all what I found in my neighbor's back yard...

Bittersweet everywhere.....

It all started when Hubby and I were taking are evening walk earlier in the week and I noticed some bittersweet in are neighbor's driveway...The next day I took my clippers and a garbage bag with me...cut down what was there...enough to fill up a Hefty,30 gallon garbage bag.....

While I'm bagging up my find our other neighbor Lynette is out taking her evening walk and stopped to see what we were doing...Well she goes on to tell me that another neighbor up the road has bittersweet growing all over her lower end of her yard....

So off we go.....

In the mean time hubby comes home and gets the pickup....easier to load it up instead of putting it in garbage bags...

My lovely neighbor Deb...the one with the mother load of bittersweet told me to take as much as I wanted....I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into her back yard and seen bittersweet as far as you could see....unbelievable....

Both neighbors, Lynette and Deb... and Hubby and I cut two garbage bags full....dumped it into the back of our pickup ....Thanked Lynette and Deb and headed back home while it was just getting dark....What an event full evening....

I'm always looking for all kinds of berries and things to add to my grapevine wreaths while we are on are daily walks....We are so blessed to have a beautiful back road to walk on and truly blessed to have such wonderful neighbors...

I wrapped my light with it last night before we went to bed and this morning this is what it looks like....all the little pods opened up to a bright orange...isn't it gorgeous.....

I have to deleaf the rest of my bundle today before the rain comes tonight so I'm off to get that done....I hope everyone enjoyed my bittersweet story.....thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to drop in for a visit...

Until next time....

....Hugs to you all......Trena


  1. WOW! Wish I could load up a truck chock full of bittersweet! YAY for you! Heck I'd take a garbage bag full! ;)
    It's gonna be so pretty in your home!

  2. Lucky you! It looks great!!
    I keep my eyes peeled for the bittersweet, but haven't seen it anywhere around here. Hmmmm, maybe there isn't any in Kentucky. ;-)

    Enjoy your evening!
    Prim Blessings,

  3. OMGosh Trena I think all us prim gals are just about drooling right now - I know I am for sure.
    You really did get the Mother load for sure.
